5 Simple Home Remedy for White Teeth

Yes, you have heard correct. Teeth whitening treatments can be pursued at home with some grandma remedies. People used to have white dazzling teeth in olden days as well and the reason behind this was their oral care which included some home remedies.


• Use strawberry everyday and gain shining teeth.

• Strawberry possesses malic acid.

• Malic acid is moreover used in many toothpastes and so using fresh strawberries can be beneficial.

• Juice of strawberry should stay on your teeth for around 2 minutes.

• For this you can rub strawberries on teeth by cutting it in to pieces.

• Or else you can mash it and then apply it as a medicine to your teeth.

• Strawberry is rich in fiber which cleans teeth and eradicates bacteria from it.


• Carrots are natural stain remover as they are rich in vitamin C.

• Saliva is a cleaning agent to your mouth and carrot has ability to increase creation of saliva.

• Carrot has ability to kill bacteria that affects gum like odor creating bacteria in mouth.

• Carrot can be used by rubbing it on your teeth to gain glowing looking teeth. 

Carrot is an efficient stain removing agent.


• Lemon possess high constituent of citrus in it which reproduces saliva.

• Lemon can act as a bleaching agent to whiten your teeth. • Rinse your mouth with mixture of water and half lemon juice.

• Follow this procedure twice in a week.

• Note: Don't overuse lemon or else it would damage your teeth.

Cheddar cheese

• Cheddar is a hard cheese unlike other soft cheese and eating it helps in removing stain from your mouth.

• Cheddar cheese comprises of vitamin D and calcium.

• Eradicating other food particles from your teeth by means of this cheese can prevent teeth from staining, leading to whitening of teeth.

Baking soda

• You can usually find baking soda in your tooth paste.

• Sprinkle baking soda on top of paste and brush your teeth as it is effective whitening agent.

• Twice in a month you can brush your teeth only with baking soda.

• It is said that baking soda is acid neutralizer due to which it directly makes attack to stain.

Important tip for you is never drink juice directly instead make use of straw so that juice directly gets transferred to stomach via mouth preventing interaction of teeth to it.