Best Way to Get Rid of Blackheads

Daily, pamper your face helps to ward off a glowing and healthy skin. Indeed, through simple gestures and a healthy lifestyle, blackheads spend the rank of nightmare urban legend.

Clean face with gels for your specific skin type. A note, strippers or drying activate the secretion of sebum instead of fighting it.

Remove blackheads

Too late, blackheads are already installed on your face comfortable. What to do? Regular use of antiseptic addictive. But the fiddle mean worse. A "button broke" promotes infection while participating in their proliferation. One solution: go to a professional to avoid skin scars. The esthetician will cleanse your face thoroughly. As for the dermatologist, he will prescribe a suitable treatment for your skin type and offer lots of advice. Note, medical advice is essential if you have a skin disease such as psoriasis or eczema.

If the temptation to break you itch too few rules of hygiene are required.
  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Disinfect the skin.
  3. The ground prepared, use a handkerchief between your nails and the skin of the face buttons to punch. This little trick avoids the appearance of red marks.
  4. And finally, apply a non-comedogenic lotion, using cotton wool.

Recipes grandmothers
  • Treat yourself to a moment of well-being. Easy to make, recipes grandmothers purify your skin like magic.
  • Mix two teaspoons of corn flour with egg white as snow. Spread this mixture on your face. Let stand 10 min. Wipe with a dry towel. Then apply a lotion with rose water.
  • Whisk two tablespoons of brewer's yeast with an egg yolk. Place the mixture on the treated area. Leave 20 min. Rinse with warm water.
  • Beat the egg whites. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey slightly warmed a few seconds in the microwave. Using a cotton ball, apply the mixture. Leave half an hour. Rinse with warm water.
  • Apply compresses soaked parsley juice.
  • Moisten a cotton pad with lemon juice. Gently dab on pimples.
  • Remove make-up carefully. Heat to boiling water. Add thyme, sage and bay leaf. Remove from heat, place 10 to 15 minutes, your face above the preparation still steaming with a towel on her head. Under the effect of heat, the pores open. You can then remove with ease, blackheads. Then rinse. Place a cotton cloth soaked in a disinfectant on the area treated. Finish with a hydrating mask and soothing.
  • The white clay cleanses and purifies your skin in a jiffy.