Relief From Dry & Chapped Lips

Young or old, male or female, we are all susceptible. Dry lips can be symptomatic of an underlying medical condition however for the vast majority of people, the cause is mainly environmental such as exposure to wind and cold air and of course, the sun. The good news is that this condition can be easily alleviated. Here's how:

Begin by exfoliating the lips. Use a damp terry cloth washcloth to gently remove the skin and your lips will look better immediately. But don't stop there. Apply a lip serum made with natural Squalane. This is a pretty important step because unlike the skin on the rest of the body, there are no oil producing glands in the lips. Squalane is identical to the oil that our glands produce naturally.

Why does Squalane work so well on lips?

Squalane mimics the protective oil that is secreted by the skin. Since lips do not have these oil glands, they need external protection. Harsh soaps and cleansers can further aggravate your lips and dry them out, especially during winter. When your lips feel dry, the first instinct is usually to lick them. This is the beginning of a vicious cycle. The saliva provides instant moisture, but it doesn't last long: the enzymes in our saliva cause further dryness, making you want to lick your lips again.

In the daytime, use the Squalane serum under your lip gloss or lipstick and then in the evenings, apply a light coating of whipped Shea Butter. If you're really fond of "chap stick" type lip balms, you could use it instead of shea butter. However, lip balm alone will only provide temporary relief from dryness. The Squalane provides real moisture and lubrication for the lips and will get rid of chronic dryness over time.

How does Shea Butter help?

Shea Butter increases the skin's natural ability to hold onto moisture. It promotes skin renewal, increases the circulation, and accelerates healing. It also provides relief and helps soothe dry, chapped lips. It contains a wealth of essential fatty acids, so it is perfect for sufferers and those with severely dry, cracked skin

Petroleum jelly and waxy lip treatments don't work.

They may provide immediate soothing, but once they wear off, your lips will once again feel painfully dry and chapped. If you want more than just temporary relief, here is a solution that actually works to keep your lips soft and healthy.

Repeat this regimen for 5 days /evenings and your lips will be back to normal. But don't get lazy and just stopped exfoliating or your lips will once again get dry and chapped.