Lowering Blood Pressure Fast Natural Way

1) Raw almonds. Eating just a handful of truly raw almonds every day can make a significant difference in keeping your blood pressure levels in check. A key component of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet, also known as DASH, raw almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats, which have been scientifically proven to help lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce arterial inflammation, and ultimately lower blood pressure levels.

Even though they are high in fat and calories, almonds also help promote weight loss and the building of lean muscle mass, which means they naturally promote healthy circulation. When eaten in conjunction with other blood pressure-lowering nuts like walnuts, almonds are one of the most powerful cardiovascular "superfoods" available.

2) Cayenne pepper. Arguably one of the fastest foods to lower blood pressure, cayenne pepper is a powerful vasodilator, which means it helps expand blood vessels and improve blood flow. This effect naturally lowers blood pressure levels by increasing the rate at which blood flows throughout the circulatory system, which in turn takes some of the pressure off arterial walls.

Mixing one or two teaspoons of cayenne pepper in either warm water or tea with both honey and aloe vera is a powerful homemade remedy for alleviating hypertension. If this beverage is too spicy for your tastes, taking cayenne pepper capsule supplements is another great option for lowering blood pressure naturally.

3) Coconut water. Rich in potassium, electrolytes, and other important nutrients, coconut water has been shown to help significantly lower blood pressure levels in most of the people that drink it. A recent study published in the West Indian Medical Journal found that drinking coconut water helped 71 percent of participants achieve a significant reduction in systolic pressure, and 29 percent of participants achieve a significant reduction in diastolic pressure. The results were even more amplified when participants drank both coconut water and mauby, a tropical drink made from buckthorn tree bark.

4) Raw cacao. Rich in flavonoids and other anti-inflammatory nutrients, raw cacao is another food-based weapon against hypertension that you will want to keep readily stocked in your health arsenal. Not only do the flavonoids in cacao function as adaptogens to help the body better deal with stress, which is a common cause of hypertension, but they also help regulate stress hormone levels throughout the body, which play a critical role in blood pressure regulation.

Numerous studies have also found that cacao flavonoids demonstrably reduce blood pressure levels upon consumption, resulting in an average blood pressure reduction of 4.7/2.8 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Cacao flavonoids also help protect the body against stroke and heart disease, which are commonly linked to high blood pressure.

5) Turmeric. Modern science is just barely hitting the tip of the iceberg concerning the superfood capacity of turmeric, also commonly known as curcumin. But one of the herb's already known benefits concerns its abilities to significantly decrease inflammation throughout the body, which is a primary cause of high cholesterol and even high blood pressure. By actively reducing inflammation, turmeric helps improve cardiovascular function and maintain healthy blood flow.

When taken alongside non-irradiated black pepper, the primary active ingredient of which is piperine, turmeric is a powerhouse at loosening up blood vessels and clearing the buildup that often leads to high blood pressure. Turmeric is also a natural blood thinner, which is another way this powerful herb aids in the fight against hypertension.

6) Garlic. A 2010 study out of Australia found that garlic is another powerful food-based medicine that naturally lowers cholesterol levels and reduces blood pressure. Taking garlic tablets or capsule supplements is a great way to regularly consume the herb in high enough amounts to derive significant benefits.

Sources for this article include:

Benefits Of Weight Loss Smoothies

Are you wondering if weight loss smoothies really can be good for you? Many people wonder how beneficial they really are because they taste so good. They are almost like a treat if they are made properly. How could something this good actually help you to drop the pounds? If you are like many people, you want a great tasting meal or replacement supplement. You do not want to waste your money on something that does not work. When you purchase pre-packaged products designed specifically to help you to drop those pounds a smoothie really can be one of the best options for you.

They Contain Nutritional Value:
One of the main reasons weight loss smoothies are so worthwhile when it comes to achieving your goals to trim down your body is they give your body the nutrition it needs. They are often made with vegetables or fruits, ensuring that your body is gets the real nutrition it needs. Vitamins and minerals are not easy to find in most over-the-counter snacks, but when you use a smoothie, they can be the perfect solution to any of your needs.
They Are Pre-Portioned:
When you purchase these prepackaged products, you will quickly learn that they taste good. However, what you may not realize even after having a few is that they are also fantastic for you because they help you to control portions. If you were to drag out the mixer to make your own at home, you probably would end up with a blender-full of smoothie. The problem is, if you are eating too much of it, you are already sabotaging your diet plans. The right amount is necessary to encourage the pounds to come off.
They Taste Great:
As you consider all of the products you have purchased that have promised to help you to drop those pounds, you may wonder what they put into the food to make it taste so bad. That is not the case with a smoothie. These weight loss smoothies are meant to be enjoyed and to curb your cravings. If you buy the right product, you can be confident that it will taste good and help you to achieve your goals. That's an important combination to look for in any product you buy.
Use weight loss smoothies as a way for you to replace a meal or two during the day. They can work well for those who just had bariatric procedures, too. The nutrition is there and you will not feel hungry. You will enjoy the taste and the texture it offers. It is hard to go wrong with a product like this.
   - via 

Tips To Keep Hair Healthy

Our hair: it's our crowning glory, and it comes in so many different types, from fine or flyaway, to think, to curly and all in sorts of colours - some of which are natural, and others are not. But while we all love our hair, it can be very hard to keep it looking healthy in between salon visits, especially if it's has been highlighted or even permed. So, how do we keep it looking good, feeling soft and looking healthy?
Don't Over Wash It :

While a lot of people admit to washing their hair everyday, this can actually be very damaging to their hair and their scalp, as the hair produces natural oils that protect and nourish it, and over washing causes these oils to be washed away. This leaves the hair dry and damaged, so try to wash it once or twice a week.
Use the Right Products :

Because hair comes in so many different types, there are thousands of different shampoos, conditioners and other hair products available, so it's important to know what your hair type is to ensure that your hair is healthy. For example, if you have thin and lifeless hair that lacks body, using a volumising shampoo and conditioner for fine hair will give it a bit of a lift. However, someone with naturally thick hair will have to opt for products that moisturise and detangle their hair, as a volumising product will only magnify the issues they have. If you're unsure of your hair type, then your stylist will be able to advise you on this and what salon products to use on it, if necessary.
Don't Overwork It :

Because hair products are so readily available, it can be tempting to overload your hair with a number of styling products, such as hairspray, mousse, wax, salt spray, and to also use heating products to dry your hair. Exposing your hair to heat and harsh chemicals can actually damage it, and cause split ends, so don't overload your it, only blow dry it once or twice a week, and if you must use other heated hair appliances, then put a leave in conditioner in your it to protect it from further damage.
Give Your Hair a Break :

It's tough work being hair; you're exposed to daily irritations, such as the hairbrush, straighteners, the dryer, gel, wax, mousse, hair spray. So, remember to give your hair a bit of a break once in a while - have a shower and then apply a luxurious moisturising mask, and leave it on for as long as directed before washing it out. This will give your hair some much needed TLC and ensure that it looks good for at least a week.
So, if you want to make sure your hair looks good and healthy, speak to your hairdresser, ask them to advise you on which salon hair products to use, and how to care for it if it's looking tired and unhealthy, and remember to give it a treat, such as a hair mask every so often.
   - via Harvey McEwan

Common Shoulder Injuries Related To Sports

Clavicle Fracture (Broken Collarbone)

A broken collarbone (clavicle) is a very common fracture that occurs in people of all ages but occurs more commonly with sports related injuries. The clavicle is located between the ribcage and the shoulder blade and it connects the arm to the body. The collarbone lies above many vital structures, such as nerves and blood vessels.
What causes a clavicle fracture?
Clavicle fractures are most often caused by a direct blow to the shoulder area. These types of injuries occur during a fall on an outstretched arm, a contact hit (when a football player collides with an opponent), or any other type of direct impact to the shoulder that can occur during sporting activities.
What are the symptoms of a broken collarbone?
These types of fractures can be very painful and make it difficult to move your arm. Other symptoms include a sagging shoulder, inability to lift the arm due to pain, a grinding sensation with arm movement, a deformity or "bump" along the collarbone area, bruising, swelling, and tenderness over the broken area.
How is a clavicle fracture treated without surgery?
Broken collarbones do not always require surgery. If the bone ends are not shifted out of place and line up correctly, you may be treated with an arm sling and rest. Basically, the orthopedic specialist will have you wear this to keep your arm in proper position while the collarbone heals. Once your bone begins to heal, your doctor may order physical therapy for you to help you strengthen the muscle of your shoulder. The therapist will teach you exercises, too, to help prevent weakness and stiffness.
What is involved with surgical treatment?
If your bones are displaced (out of alignment) your orthopedic specialist may recommend surgery to align the bones. This is done to hold them in position while they heal.
During the procedure, the bone fragments are repositioned into normal alignment and held in place with special screws and metal plates that attach to the outer surface of the bone. After your surgery, you may notice a small patch of numb skin below the incision but with time this is less noticeable. You will also be able to feel the plate through your skin. These plates and screws are not removed until long after the bone heals.
Dislocation of the Shoulder

Many athletes who play tennis, baseball, or football tend to experience a dislocated shoulder. The shoulder joint is the body's most mobile joint, turning in many directions. This advantage puts this joint at risk for dislocation. A complete dislocation means that the humerus (upper arm bone) is all the way out of the socket.
What causes dislocation of the shoulder?
Your shoulder can become dislocated by throwing, hitting, and overuse. Many people who play softball or baseball injure their shoulder this way.
What are the symptoms of a dislocated shoulder?
Symptoms include numbness, weakness, bruising, and swelling of the shoulder area. Some dislocations are severe enough to tear tendons and ligaments and to damage nerves. The shoulder joint can be dislocated forward, backward, or downward. The muscles of the shoulder area may have spasms from the disruption, as well, leading to pain and stiffness.
How is a dislocated shoulder treated?
Your orthopedic specialist will have to place the ball of the humerus back into the joint socket. This procedure is called a closed reduction and no surgery is necessary. Once the shoulder is back in place, the pain stops immediately.
Shoulder Impingement (Rotator Cuff Tendinitis)

The rotator cuff is made up of tendons and muscles that allow for a great range of motion of your arm. This is a frequent source of pain for athletes and an area that is at risk for injury during sporting activities. Shoulder impingement is often referred to as rotator cuff tendinitis and is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain.
What causes rotator cuff tendinitis?
When you raise your arm to shoulder height, the space between the bone and rotator cuff narrows. The bone can rub against (or impinge on the tendon and the bursa, causing irritation and pain when the arm is used repeatedly. Young athletes who use their arms for overhead action are particularly vulnerable. This includes those who play tennis, softball and baseball, and swimmers.
What are the symptoms of shoulder impingement?
When the rotator cuff is irritated this can lead to local swelling and tenderness in the front aspect of the shoulder. You may also have pain and stiffness when you lift your arm. There is also a sensation of tenderness when the arm is lowered from an elevated position. Other symptoms include sudden pain when reaching or lifting, pain radiating from the front of the shoulder to the side of the arm, minor pain at rest, and pain when throwing or using the arm.
How is rotator cuff tendinitis treated without surgery?
Your orthopedic specialist wants to reduce your pain and restore function of your shoulder. He will consider your activity level, your age, and your general state of health. Many times shoulder impingement can be treated with medications and rest. It is not uncommon for athletes to be ordered physical therapy to help restore normal motion of the shoulder. Your therapist will teach you specific stretching and strengthening exercises to relieve your shoulder pain and help you get back to normal activities.
What is involved with surgical treatment?
The goal of surgery is to create more space for the rotator cuff and this involves removing a portion of the inflamed bursa. Your orthopedic specialist will perform an anterior acromioplasty, where part of the bone is removed to allow for movement of the rotator cuff. Many times, the surgeon opts to perform this procedure by way of arthroscope.
The arthroscopic technique allows for use of small thin surgical instruments to be inserted around puncture wounds around the shoulder. The doctor can see inside the shoulder through a small camera inserted into the joint that displays images onto a computer TV monitor.
Visit Dr. Watt's blog to read more about common orthopedic problems and sports medicine, including sports injuries and joint replacements.
 - via Michael Watt

Tips To Take Care Of Your Spine

Taking proper care of your spine is one of the most important choices you can make for your health. Your spine is the centerline of your body and responsible for many tasks including holding up your head, ensuring limb movement, and housing your spinal cord--the brain's messenger.

Chiropractors know the importance of spinal health and the crucial role it plays in overall health and wellness. When your spine is balanced and functioning properly, you have helped to create your best scenario for optimal health.
As advocates of proactive healthcare, here are two simple stretches recommended by chiropractors that can help you keep your spine healthy. Try these after a long car ride, a day at the computer, or even after an invigorating workout like running.
Elongation Stretch:

The following elongation stretch can help to limber the spine, relieve pressure on the lower back, and help provide blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Start with your hands and knees on the floor, then sit back so your bottom is sitting on your heels and your chest in on your knees. You can rest your forehead on the floor or on a small pillow. Inhale slowly while you expand your rib cage and then exhale slowly relaxing your rib cage. Concentrate on your breaths and the movement of your rib cage. Do not hold your breath. Try this for 5 to 10 deep breaths per day and work your way up to 15 to 20 deep breaths per day in this position.
Spine Roll:
The spine roll helps to naturally decompress your discs and limber and massage your spine. You will want to do this stretch on an exercise mat or a soft carpeted surface. Start in a supine position (back on the floor) with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Inhale first while in the supine position then exhale while you bring your knees into your chest. Inhale again while you lengthen your spine from your tailbone to the crown of your head. Exhale and lift your head to your knees, wrapping your arms around your knees. Then you can begin to gently rock back and forth, massaging your spine.
Therapeutic exercises like these and others can help keep your back healthy. Many chiropractors provide free classes on how to care for the spine and other general health matters. Chiropractors are whole body specialists with proactive treatment plans to help people live longer, healthier lives. To learn more about proper care for your spine, contact your local chiropractor for a class schedule or an appointment.
   - via Brad Woodle

Various Types Of Heat Injuries

As we get well into summer, temperatures rise, the heat index soars and more and more people are prone to heat injuries and exhaustion. There are different types of heat injuries, all of which occur as a result of dehydration which is intensified when people engage in strenuous daytime activities. Dehydration is the major cause of all the different types of heat injuries and this can be prevented by drinking enough fluids to replace those lost as a result of sweating.

Heat injuries range anywhere from mild to severe; here are some common types of injuries resulting from the heat:
Heat cramps: 

This is a mild heat injury that happens as a result of a lack of fluids and electrolytes during extended periods in heat. These cramps often occur in the arm leg and stomach muscles, and can be treated by stretching, reducing activity and cooling down with fluids and electrolytes.
Heat syncope: 

This is a moderate heat injury that happens as a result of not replacing lost fluids and electrolytes. Weakness and fainting are symptoms of heat syncope and this condition can be treated by cooling off, removing tight clothing and rehydrating.
Heat exhaustion: 

This is a moderate heat injury that occurs as a result of loss of body fluids or electrolytes. Symptoms of heat exhaustion as a result of water loss include: exhaustion, headaches and even fainting. Symptoms of heat exhaustion as a result of salt depletion include: dizziness, nausea, vomiting and even severe heat cramps.
This condition can be treated by stopping activity, drinking electrolyte rich fluids, cooling off and removing tight clothing. Medical attention may be necessary if nausea and vomiting occur.
Heat stroke: 

This is the most severe type of heat injury and requires medical attention. This occurs when the body becomes too hot to cool itself and can result in body temperature rising above 104°F; when the body temperature gets this high, organ system failure can occur. Symptoms include disorientation and nausea, as well as seizures. Heat strokes can also result in loss of consciousness or even a coma.
 - via Kitchi Joyce

Natural Ways To Treat Leg Pain

To treat leg pain, medical doctors usually prescribe various pain killing drugs. Pain killers usually work within a short amount of time. However, if your body becomes dependent on these drugs, this may have an adverse effect on your vital organs, especially your kidneys and liver. So to prevent this from happening, you may want to opt for natural ways and home remedies to treat the pain. Below you will find some suggestions.

1. Hot compress 

To feel better, you can try applying hot compress on your legs. Doing this will give you a soothing effect. While the most common hot compress technique is to put a hot compress bag on your legs, you can try other procedures such as the following: hot towel, hot brick, or even a hot bottle. Just make sure that the temperature is tolerable enough to prevent scalding and burning.
2. Mind your posture. 

If your job requires you to always stand, you want to make sure that you stand on both legs to distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Don't stand on one foot as this causes you more pain.
3. Never ever cross your legs. 

As previously stated, one of the causes of leg pain is a compressed artery. This compression can be because of several reasons, but one of these reasons is bad circulation or blood flow. So if you have a bad habit of crossing your legs, it's about time that you quit as this will contribute to your pain.
4. Wear a comfortable pair of shoes. 

Women who love wearing heels often suffer from leg pain. Sure, these heels will make you look lovely and sexy, but they can also give you much pain. So as much as possible, wear comfortable shoes or choose a better alternative such as wedges and flats.
5. Get a massage regularly. 

Leg pain can also be caused by aching muscles. So get a massage or a foot rub from time to time. This will relax the muscles and soothe aching and tired feet.
6. Get enough vitamin D. 

If your body does not get enough vitamin D, not only will your legs suffer but also your bones. One of the best natural sources of vitamin D is the morning sun. So as much as you can, go jogging right after the sun shines in the morning to catch some of the sun's healthy rays.
    - via Elaine J Brock

Causes Of Sinus Blockage

The latin term sinus means a bay, pocket or curve. Sinus is a cavity sack or cluster of tissues which is caused by the degradation of tissues. The body has air cavities connecting near the nose, which when blocked can build up germs and bacteria and cause the nasal membrane linings to be infected. If ignored and untreated, the inflammation of these cavity tissues can turn into chronic infections eventually affecting the chest and lungs in the body. According to a study, it is revealed that approximately 37 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from sinus each year.

What Causes Sinus Blockage?
Sinus can be very persistent and annoying, however, to know what causes it might be able to help in avoiding this nasty misery. Although surprisingly most of the causes for sinus blockage are common yet tricky, it is also avoidable with little awareness.
  • Viruses: Viruses are the main cause for common cold and this cold can lead to severe sinus infections. Taking antibiotics during this time is not going to help much as they only kill the bacteria in the infection and not the actual virus causing it. Using a decongestant might be a better idea.

  • Allergens and Pollutants: If your body is allergic to anything or reacts to dust, mould, mites, etc., it's best to keep away from them, as allergies have a tendency to aggravate sinus.

  • Bacteria: Well no surprise here, but if a cold is prolonged by 10-15 days, chances are that bacteria has sneaked up on your system and might have a big hand in increasing and complicating your sinus.

  • Polyps: Polyps are small ingrowths in the nasal and sinus tissues that can block the nose and prevent the mucus to flow out, thereby aggravating the condition.

  • Swimming: Swimming pools are chlorinated and chlorine can irritate the sinus and naval lining making it worse.

  • Flights: Travelling by flight although a convenient option can surprisingly be one of the reasons for that increase in sinus attacks. The air pressure of the cabins is low and this can lead to more blockages of the nasal cavities.

  • Fungi: Although a very unusual cause of infections, sinus can occur even in the healthiest of people due to fungi. If your immune system is vulnerable chances of fungal infection are high.

  • Overusing Nasal Products: While nasal products help to decongest your system and help you to breathe freely, overusing these products can turn your tissues immune to the effects of it. If your body gets used to such products due to constant use, it loses the sensitivity and does not react in the same manner.

  • Smoking: As much as smoking is harmful to lungs, it is equally harmful for sinus. The pollutants in the smoke congest the nasal tissues along with the lungs, causing serious aggravation.

  • Dry Air: If you spend most of your days inside air-conditioned buildings, there are chances of sinus inflammation due to lack of moisture.
    - via Stefano Grossi

Types Of Hip Fractures

Most hip fractures occur from a fall or from a direct blow to the side of the hip. Medical conditions such as cancer, stress injuries, or osteoporosis can all weaken the bones and make the hip more susceptible to breaks. It is possible for the hip to break from the patient standing on the leg and twisting sideways.
Types of Fractures :
In general, there are three different types of hip fractures. The type of fracture depends on what area of the upper femur is involved. These include intracapsular fractures, intertrochanteric fractures, and subtrochanteric fractures.
Intracapsular Fractures - 

These breaks happen at the level of the neck and the head of the femur bone and are generally within the capsule. The capsule is a soft-tissue envelope that contains the lubricating fluid that helps the hip joint move easily.
When the ball or head of the femur bone is broken, repair will be aimed at fixing the cartilage. Sometimes with these types of fractures the socket itself is injured and will need repaired. For intracapsular hip fractures, our orthopedic surgeons will either fix the fracture with individual screws or a single larger screw that slides within the barrel of a plate.
This compression hip screw allows the break to become more stable. Sometimes the blood supply to the ball of the femur is damaged during injury and this leads to a condition called avascular necrosis. With this type of injury, the surgeon must realign the fracture and hold it in place with screws and plates.
Intertrochanteric Fractures - 

This type of break occurs between the neck of the thigh bone and the lower boney prominence known as the lesser trochanter. This is the area of attachment for major muscles that allow the hip movement.
These fractures are managed with either a compression hip screw or a special kind of nail, which will allow for impaction at the fracture site. This screw or nail is fixed to the outer side of the bone with other pieces of metal that allow for increased stability and promote healing at the site.
Subtrochanteric Fractures -

 These types of breaks occur below the lesser trochanter in a region that is approximately 2 to 3 inches below. Most of these fractures are managed with a long intramedullary nail and a large lag screw. In order to keep the bones from rotating the nail or from shortening on the nail, additional metal pieces may be placed at the lower end of the nail in the area of the knee, what is known as interlocking screws.
- via Dr Philip Downer

Basic Emergency Measures in Acute Stroke

In the event of an acute stroke attack, there is one critical factor that could make a very big difference in saving a life - the essence of time. A person who suffers from a stroke attack needs to be immediately attended to by a specialist in internal medicine to be given the necessary treatment that could save that person's life.

Medical experts say the ideal time frame to start treatment on an acute stroke victim is within 3 hours from the showing of symptoms. In some cases, treatment can be extended up to 6 hours depending on circumstances. Immediate management of acute stroke involves control of blood pressure, thrombolytic therapy, and, intubation procedures in more serious cases. Medical specialists need to make critical decisions during this acute phase. Beyond the ideal time frame given, either a life is wasted or irreparable damage on brain function happens.
Living near or being within just a few kilometers radius of a hospital facility is a most fortunate circumstance if you or your loved one suffers a stroke. Do not waste even a second in bringing him to the nearest hospital for proper medical attention. Within an hour after the patient arrives in the facility, medical personnel, who are trained to handle acute stroke victims, work on stabilizing the condition of the patient, perform neurological and cardiovascular assessment and evaluation and request for laboratory procedures and imaging.
So what are the warning signs of stroke that one should look out for? The most common symptoms include:
  • Sudden paralysis, numbness or weakness of an arm or leg or one side of the face. To test a possibility of a stroke attack, ask the person to raise both his arms together over his head. When one arm uncontrollably falls, a stroke may have occurred.
  • Drooping face is observed when one side of the mouth drops off when you try to smile.
  • Sudden problems with speaking usually in a garbled manner or trouble understanding
  • Sudden double, blackened or blurred vision in one or both eyes.
  • Sudden onset of brain dysfunction such as confusion, problems with balance and loss of coordination
  • Severe, sudden headache without known cause which may sometimes manifest together with dizziness, vomiting or change in consciousness.
Scientific studies have also proven that aspirin, an anti-thrombotic drug, helps in preventing another stroke from happening by preventing formation of blood clots. When blood clots form, it can block flow of blood to body organs resulting in a heart attack.
One doesn't have to be an expert in internal medicine to know the symptoms of stroke and its management. This vital knowledge may help save the life of your loved one or your very own life.

Ways to Take Care of Your Heart

Some people don't pay much attention to their own heart health unless they experience chronic chest pain. After a severe chest pain, your doctor might recommend a few changes you need to make. At this point, it has become increasingly obvious that you definitely need to think about your own heart health before these unwanted issues develop.
Here are some ways on how to take care your heart:
1. Regular exercise. You should know that regular exercise is good for your heart. Exercising does not only help you shed excess ponds, but it can also protect you from heart disease. Taking care of your heart through regular exercise does not necessarily mean you have to hit the gym everyday. Any form of exercise with a heart rate between resting and maximum is good for your heart health.
2. Include low-fat meals in our diet. Eating foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals will help you maintain a good heart health. Make sure you include fruits and fresh vegetables to your daily diet. Try to curb your fat intake because it is not good for your heart. Include fish and lean chicken on your daily meal for these are foods that contain low fat.
3. Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is good for your overall health. Many studies show that lack of sleep can lead to certain heart conditions. According to experts, 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night is good while 5 hours or less can be detrimental to your heart health. Try not to get too much sleep for it can also lead to heart problems.
4. Reduce your level of stress. According to studies, stress can lead to heart problems. It can also deplete the level of your hormones in the body. When you are stressed or burned out, you tend to lose your appetite. You no longer focus on exercising or even eating healthy foods. You can improve the health of your heart by taking time to relax every time you are feeling strained or exhausted.
5. Don't forget your fish oil supplements. Studies show that omega-3 fish oil supplement is good for your heart. If you happen to have high triglycerides in your body, you may develop heart problems. With omega-3 fish oil supplement, you can lower the triglycerides in your body and keep them at a healthy level.
Remember that it is never too late to take preventive measures in taking care of your heart. It is crucial that you consult your doctor as early as possible before heart problems develop. These 5 tips can help you maintain a good heart health.

9 Facts to Fuel Your Health

Looking for a way to get more fiber to fuel your health? Or even if you know and just want to start on a high octane diet this article is worth a read! Research has shown the benefits of fiber yet it is often overlooked or regarded as something that is just a bonus. Let me tell you, it is vital! Here are nine important facts about fiber that should not be ignored!
1. Fiber tackles disease! A high fiber diet helps dramatically to prevent colon cancer and heart disease, while also eliminating cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract. Even constipation problems can be eased with high amounts of fiber!
2. Helps to stop overeating. Fiber takes longer to chew and longer to digest, making you feel more satisfied through the day (less snacking for you!)
3. Popular foods we see everyday in supermarkets are greatly lacking in fiber. Try your best to find more fiber rich food and reap the benefits!
4. Grains are one of the greatest sources of fiber. Find whole grains and concentrated grain products.
5. Kids really need fiber too! Children two years or over should consume a daily intake of fiber! So give them fruits, vegetables and even fortified breakfast cereals to build their immune system.
6. Don't forget to drink water! To keep that fiber flowing through your body you need to consume a good amount of water. Use the recommended amount of 8 glasses for your fiber diet and for general health too!
7. You can't cook the fiber out so don't worry! And fiber rich meals don't have to be boring! Have a look on the internet for tasty ways to bring fiber into your life. Even cook your fruit and vegetables in tasty recipes! The fiber in fruit and veg isn't just in the skin! Also, if you want a cheap and quick way to get your dose of fiber and even greater benefits, try Juicing (using natural ingredients to create scrumptious blends and interesting new juices to try!)
8. DO NOT eat more than 50 grams of fiber in a day! It can lead to bloating and diarrhea, preventing the absorption of other important minerals in your diet.
9. Getting the right amount of fiber can be easy! Just eat the right foods and you will be on a one track road to healthier lifestyle!
Fiber is often overlooked, but it is something you can't afford to skip. Don't wait until it is too late! Get your fiber before it's too late.

Tips to Get Your Baby Sleeping Through the Night

A Tired Baby Makes a Sleepy Baby
When are you the most tired and sleep soundly? After you have had a full day. When you are active and busy, you fall asleep quickly and sleep better. The same can be said for your baby. When they are active, they get tired and sleep. Don't expect your baby to have a nap a couple of hours before bed and expect them to sleep all through the night. Give them activity and get them tired.
  • Take them for a walk after dinner
  • Play games with them
  • Allow them to play with their favorite toys
Flexibility is Important
Reading books about raising children can be very beneficial but don't assume that what they say is the absolute end all truth. You need to be flexible. Not all children are the same. Just as not all adults have the same sleep patterns, children vary a lot. Learn your child's sleep patterns and see how much you can influence and how much is just them. Don't be too rigid. Find their biological clock and work with it. It can be trying.
  • Monitor when your child is most active
  • Experiment with ways to accommodate their natural sleep patterns
  • Try different ways to get your child to sleep in order to see how much of it you can change through routines and other tips discussed here
Let Baby Fall Asleep on His Own
There are so many ways for a baby to go to sleep. Holding them or rocking them is not always the best for a full night's sleep. You might want to try letting them go to sleep on their own. Lay them in their crib and let them drift off naturally without you there. That allows them to break that tight grip on your night and gives them a chance to become more independent.
  • Give them a reason to sleep on their own with soft lights, sounds, or smells
  • Don't let them know you are near
  • Don't let them cry themselves sick
  • Sooth them and let them know it is alright
  • Never make bedtime something to dread
Bedtime Routine
Children love routines. They have to have them. Give them a bedtime routine. They will be more receptive to sleep and staying asleep.
  • Begin bedtime activities around the same time every night.
  • Nightly baths
  • Read a story before bed
  • Establish a calm and soothing routine that will create memories in the years to come.
Allow a Little Crying
When you lay your child down, don't fret because they are fretting. A little crying won't hurt. They are in a growing phase of not having to have you around every single minute of the day. In learning their independence, they might cry a little before they fall asleep. Let them. But don't let them scream like banshees. That doesn't do them any good either.
  • Listen for your child
  • Soft crying can be fine
  • Intense crying is not good
  • Screaming should be avoided
  • Don't give your child a reason to cry
  • Make bedtime a relaxing time that they look forward to.
Solid Foods Can Help
What your child eats can affect their sleep patterns. You'll notice a big change once your baby is read to get on more solid foods. Just a little cereal in their milk can make them sleep better at night. I began introducing cereal in the evening feeding and they slept much better. Don't you get sleepy after a heavy meal? It doesn't take much to make a baby sleep. Just a little solid food helps a lot.
  • Introduce cereal in the milk
  • Add baby food at the evening meals before the other meals of the day
  • Give baby a snack an hour or two before bed
Peaceful Sounds and Smells
I found success with my children by playing peaceful sounds. The sound of the ocean or of birds can be soothing. Even the soft music of classical music can work. A baby is always soothed with pleasant sounds. Remember that they slept for many months with the sound of mama's heartbeat. Sounds help them even after they are born.
A pleasant smell can help your child sleep. Ask anyone who is familiar with aromatherapy. Scents impact you. They help you relax and to sleep. Don't be too overpowering with the smells. You want it subtle to be effective.
  • Play nature sounds
  • Keep music and sounds soft and low
  • Never use sounds that are upbeat
  • Fragrances should be light and subtle
  • Floral sounds are good to start with
Children have to learn to sleep on their own throughout the night. Help them by being flexible and willing to experiment with many different things. Using all of the tips above at once won't work. Using just one might not work. Try using a variety of these tips and see which ones work the best for you and your baby.

Mouth Ulcer Home Remedies

  1. You may apply banana pulp on the sores it also helps to reduce ulcer.
  2. Cotton soaked in glycerin often helps to cure ulcers in the mouth.
  3. Pound roasted borex( suhaga), add honey and apply on the ulcers.
  4. Mix peppermint oil or peppermint crystals with glycerin and apply on the ulcers it provides instant relief.
  5. Make a decoction with neem bark and rinse your mouth it helps to cure your mouth ulcer. people those who still wash their mouth with neem stem never get mouth problem and it helps them to keep their 32 intact for very long time .
  6. Chew and Suck the extract of fresh leaves of arhar for relief in mouth ulcers.
  7. People often have mogara trees at home ,leaves of this tree are used to make tea ,with which the mouth is rinsed to cure ulcer.
  8. We can even make a tea of henna leaves and rinse the mouth for instant relief .(it have cooling effect .
  9. Chew raisins which were soaked in water overnight, it helps to cure ulcers.
  10. The juice extract of bitter gourd and rock salt helps to cure mouth ulcer ,
  11. Katha( English name is Catechu ) if soaked overnight and the paste is applied into the mouth it helps to cure ulcer
  12. Apply milk of gular tree(Ficus racemosa or cluster tree) to relief the ulcer.
  13. Applying honey also helps to heal ulcer.
  14. Having ripe papaya at breakfast also helps to cure ulcers .

7 Home Treatment For Scabies Mites

Scabies is an infection of the skin caused by mites. This is common to people who are bedridden over a rather lengthy period of time. Mites, can tunnel their way into the skin causing an infection which is both irritable and painful especially over a long period of time. The risk of acquiring the condition is high if you come into contact with someone suffering from the ailment. Scabies are highly contagious. Medical cures for Scabies are readily available and so are home remedies. Listed below are a number of scabies home remedies that you can apply.

  1. Fresh apricot juice should be squeezed and applied over the lesions of scabies
  2. Create a paste using neem leaves with an equivalent amount of turmeric powder blended together with mustard oil. Apply this paste on the affected area for about an hour. Neem is an evergreen tree that is found in the Indian Subcontinent. The bark of the Neem tree can be used as tonic and its seeds create a fragrant smelling aroma.
  3. You can crush the dehydrated bark of the peepul tree into a powder. After crushing it, strain it using a sieve then apply it like a dusting powder in the infected areas.
  4. Get the juice of about five hundred milligrams of drumstick. Mix the drumstick juice with an equivalent quantity of sesame oil and then boil until the water is dried up. After boiling refrigerate then apply on the lesions of scabies. This remedy has very potent anti-microbial properties.
  5. One of the easiest methods to take out scabies is by visiting a sauna. People say that the dry heat form a sauna can eliminate the mites, although this method will take some time. If you put orange oil and/or eucalyptus oil into the sauna the mites should die more easily because mites cannot stand the smell of these two oils.
  6. The next home remedy is one that uses a turmeric powder mix. Mix some turmeric powder with Margosa oil. Margosa oil contains the characteristics of a good pesticide and the Turmeric powder is good for the skin and has anti-bacterial characteristics. The mix is spread over the affected areas.
  7. Rub some apple cider vinegar on the infected part of one's skin. Leave it there for about two to five hours. After that, wash the infected area with a turmeric solution and then clean with a soft cloth.

Is It Safe to Open Your Eyes Underwater in a Swimming Pool?

Virtually anyone who has spent time in a swimming pool has at one time or another opened their eyes while under the water. Perhaps you forgot to bring your goggles along and need to retrieve a dropped item. No doubt you experienced blurry vision at those times, and perhaps mild irritation and redness later in the day. This prompts a larger question - are there long term, harmful effects caused by opening your eyes underwater in a swimming pool.

First, let's discuss why your eyes get irritated and red. The water chemistry in a swimming pool needs to be closely monitored so that the water stays free of algae and other living organisms. Most pool operators use chlorine to accomplish this. However, contrary to what you may have heard, the chlorine in the water is not the cause of eye irritation. The actual cause is the water's pH level. This is a measure of how acidic the water is, and it must be within a certain range for the pool chemicals to be effective. If the pH is above or below this range, then your eyes get irritated whenever water is in them.

So, on to the question of long term effects. Unless the water's pH or other chemicals are extremely out of balance, your eyes won't experience any long term harm if you open them under water. There are other dangers and things to be aware of though. If the water has high levels of infectious bacteria, then you could experience an infection in your eyes if you open them under water or they get splashed. If you are swimming at a public pool or in a pool with many young children, it may be wise to use goggles instead. If you wear contact lenses, you will also want to be be aware that you might lose a lens if you are splashed or open your eyes under water. Finally, since your vision is very poor without goggles, you should be cautious about running in to things if you are swimming at a fast pace. Goggles should definitely be worn while swimming laps, because you could injure yourself by running in to the wall at the end of the pool.

To summarize, it's unlikely that opening your eyes in any normal swimming pool will cause any long term problems. However, there are a few items to be aware of. Above all, practice good pool safety and have fun!

Five Common Mistakes Women Make With Their Complexion

Mistake #1 - You don't commit to your skin care routine, morning and night, 365 days a year. I know it sounds silly, but many people don't follow their skin care routine consistently. Either they are too tired or lack the discipline to follow the routine twice daily. Think about an apple that falls from the tree and lands in the grass: if you leave it there, it will be mush within a couple of weeks. If you pick it up, clean it, protect it and put it into a temperature and moisture controlled environment - you can sell it as a perfect apple in a 3-5 months. Our skin is no different - you must take good care of it to slow down the aging process.

Solution: Follow a proper skin care routine when you get up, and again before you go to bed! Set your alarm clock with the time you need in the morning so you are not rushed. Make it a goal to take care of your skin twice daily!

Mistake #2 - Using expired products. Many ingredients found in skincare products become rancid. This can result in infections, rashes, dry skin and acne. Not to mention that what we put on our skin can enter our bloodstream within 26 seconds.

Solution: Check the expiry dates of your skin care and cosmetics products - especially those in liquid form. When you use your products consistently, you are likely to use them up prior to the expiry date. But if you've been inconsistent or purchased products on sale, or at a discount retailer (meaning that they were likely about to expire in the first place), check the expiry date: if it's passed - replace it as it is likely doing more harm than good.

Mistake #3 - Not using an effective sunscreen. The sun will dry your skin, cause age spots, freckles, fine lines and wrinkles and eventually affect your skins collagen production, leaving your skin less supple and firm.

Solution: Use a good quality facial moisturizer with broad spectrum UVA/UVB (minimum 15) daily. If you are near or on the water, or outside all day, you will need to reapply it every few hours.

Mistake #4 - Using soap to clean your face. I hear it all the time - people running out of their facial cleanser and using soap. Soap contains a number of ingredients that irritate and dry out the skin, including sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), fragrance, Paraben, and other toxic ingredients. Not only does soap commonly irritate the skin, it strips the oily "acid mantle" that actually protects us from bacteria. Once your acid mantle has been stripped, your skin will spend the next 12-14 hours trying to repair it.

Solution: When you notice your cleanser is getting low, pick up another one, and if time is a factor, have your husband or partner pick it up - they benefit from your wellbeing! Substituting soap or another product for a few days could cause irritations that might take weeks to settle down again.

Mistake #5 -Purchasing skin care based on advertising and marketing hype. As our population ages, anti-aging cosmetics have become a booming trend. As with any trend, many companies without any experience are quick to jump in to get a piece of the pie.

Solution: Look for a brand with at least a decade or two of experience producing quality anti-aging products that are proven safe and effective. Ideally, products will be vegan, botanically based, and free of known toxins including: Fragrance, Paraben, Toluene, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Phthalates and Formaldehyde Donating Preservatives. Don't let your face be a victim of some company's fad. Remember, marketing can push a lot of questionable products, making companies millions (Pet Rocks anyone?)