The sun is both friend and foe to our bodies. The sun, as a friend, helps your body produce vitamin D for one thing. However, be careful to practice Sun Safety Tips to avoid being overexposed to these rays or the sun, since it could quickly become your enemy. There are various hazards to getting too much of the UV rays from the sun. Check out the information below to learn more.
Sunburn Occurs with Overexposure:
Sunburn is a huge problem with being out in the sun for too long of periods. This does actual damage to the skin including the blood vessels running through it. With continual damage such as this, the skin will begin to show signs similar to aging such as dryness, wrinkles, age spots and more. This makes you look older before your time. Sun Safety Tips advise sunscreen to protect this type of damage from occurring, along with limiting your time in the sun.
Chronic Exposure:
Chronic exposure on a daily basis can make for leathery skin. The sun can dry the skin out changing the texture of the skin from soft and supple to dry and leathery. This can encourage other problems to occur such as the wrinkles and other issues listed above. Sun Damage Could Result in Skin Cancer
Once the sun has caused damage to the skin, it cannot fight off certain health issues such as skin cancer. In fact, the damage makes it easier for free radicals to run rampant causing the cancer to occur. These cancers can range from benign growths to the more deadly malignant melanoma. New Tanning Products make getting a tan less dangerous as with the ones used in tanning spray sessions.
Eyes also Can Be Damaged by Sun's UV Rays:
Your eyes can be harmed if not shielded for the sun's UV rays. Macular degeneration and cataracts are just two examples of serious eye issues that could occur, if you do not protect your eyes from the sun's UV rays.
How to Avoid the Hazards of Overexposure:
- Wear sunscreen anytime you are out in the sun for any length of time. It should be reapplied throughout the day. It is only effective for a few hours at the most before you need to slather or spray more onto your skin. This will go a long way to preventing sunburn and other damage from happening to the skin. When you have to be out in the sun for your job on a daily basis, you need to wear appropriate clothing to help shield you some from the sun on top of sunscreen.
- Limit your exposure to direct sun to the cooler part of the day such as in the morning hours and avoid the hottest part of the day, when the sun's rays are more intense. In addition, do not stay out in the sun for so long for recreational purposes that you wind up burning your skin, so limit your amount of time as well as what time of the day. Limiting your sun exposure is one of the most important Sun Safety Tips for you to follow.
- Protective glasses or goggles that are UV rated need to be worn whenever you are out in the sun. This will prevent sun damage to occur to the eyes.
The sun can be your friend, but only if you practice the above Sun Safety Tips. If you decide to ignore these tips, you could have certain problems occur.
- via Lara Seltzer

- via Lara Seltzer