Fruits and its nutritents for health

As fruits always contain abundant nutrients like vitamins and mineral substances, many people like to eat fruits in everyday life. Although the nutritional value of fruits is rather high, people can not eat fruits excessively. The excessive intake of unsuitable fruits like watermelon, banana, persimmon and apple can seriously threaten the physical health of the human body.


The intake of watermelon can help people remove the internal heat and alleviate the fever in summer. However, according to the traditional Chinese medicine, the excessive intake of watermelon can cause abdominal distension and indigestion. What's more, watermelon contains abundant sugar. If people eat watermelon excessively, a large amount of sugar can be absorbed by the human body. The sugar can be transformed into fat inside the human body to make the body fluid become acidic, which can seriously endanger the human health. At the same time, the diet can be affected to disturb the absorption of protein and mineral substances, which can cause malnutrition.

Banana is rather popular among many people. However, people should control the intake amount of banana strictly in daily life. Magnesium and potassium contained in banana are rather beneficial to the human health. However, if people eat bananas excessively, the excessive intake of magnesium and potassium can greatly increase the content of magnesium and potassium in the blood. Thus, the balanced proportion of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other elements inside the human body can be disturbed to endanger the human health. In addition, the excessive intake of banana can decrease the secretion of gastric acid and affect the gastric and intestinal functions. Therefore, people should eat bananas moderately.

The intake of persimmon can provide abundant nutrients for the human body. The taste of persimmon is also great. Many people like to cook persimmon into cake or cookies. However, the content of tannic acid contained in persimmon is rather high. The excessive absorption of tannic acid can make the tongue become numb. At the same time, the tannic acid can be integrated with gastric juice in the stomach to cause chunks, which can induce gastric diseases.

Apple contains abundant nutrients to improve the health for people. However, apple can also not be eaten excessively. Apple contains much sugar and potassium. Each 100 grams of apple contains 100 milligrams of potassium and 14 milligrams of sodium. The content of potassium is much higher than that of sodium. The much intake of potassium can increase the burdens of heart and kidney to affect the health.