5 simple Tips for Shining Skin at Home

Taking great care for you skin starts at home. This article discusses 5 simple lifestyle changes that will be relevant for the skin care of many Australians. Before you worry too much about which skin care products to buy you can make sure your daily habits are beneficial to the health of your skin.

Here are 5 simple lifestyle changes that can help you maintain healthy skin:

A Little Bit of Sunshine
Sunshine can actually be great for the skin in moderation. Emphasis on the word moderation! In Australia you only need a small amount (a few minutes) of sunshine each day. Too much sun and you will be speeding up the ageing process. Over exposing your body to the sun damages skin cells and leads to a variety of health risks. It is still best to avoid the sun during the middle of the day and if you do need to be in the sun for more than a few minutes cover up as much as possible and use a good sunscreen.

Shorter Showers
This tip will obviously depend on how much time you currently spend in the shower and just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with having a shower. Cleaning your skin with a daily bath or shower is actually very important. The point is that too long in the shower can be damaging. If you are showering or bathing to a point where you notice wrinkles in your hands and fingers that is a bit too long. By this stage a lot of protective oils have been washed out from your skin cells. To combat this, simply take less time in the shower. The added benefit is that a little less time in the shower will also bring down your hot water bills.

Eating Well
A healthy diet and healthy skin are related. Saying that a healthy diet will ensure your skin will be free of blemishes and acne is not quite true but it will help. Chemicals within processed meat, oils and other heavily processed foods can affect hormones and speed up the ageing process. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will lead to a healthier, happier you and your skin.

Stress Less
Okay, sometimes that may be easier said than done but you do have to make time for yourself to relax. Everyone handles stress differently and like many good things in life, finding time to relax should become a habit. Stress will make your skin age faster and make it more prone to blemishes. You should not feel guilty for relaxing occasionally. A relaxed you will not only result in benefits for your health and your skin but other people will also enjoy your company more.

Smoke Kill your skin
In case you needed one more reason to put the cigarettes away think about your skin. Smoking may help reduce your stress level temporarily but it does come at an expense that can be great to your general health and the health of your skin. Smoke decreases the oxygen flow within the skin. The skin is connected through string fibres and these fibres become loosened the more you smoke, which can lead to early wrinkles.

Your lifestyle does have an impact on your skin. By developing healthy lifestyle habits you will be helping to improve the health of your skin without even thinking about it.

Turning to the power of nature to care for your skin.