What Causes Earaches and What You Can Do About It

Children are more prone to suffering from ear infections as compared to adults and earaches are the most common reason that parents make emergency calls or visits to their pediatrician. One or both ears may be affected and the pain could be dull, sharp or burning.

Common Causes of Earache

There are several factors that could cause earaches in children and here are the most common ones:

There is an infection in the ear canal on the outer side of the eardrum.
There is an accumulation and buildup of fluid inside the ear behind the eardrum. This is called otitis media and children are most affected by it. There is a plug of ear wax or some other object stuck inside the ear. An injury or scratch caused to the middle ear while cleaning it with a Q-tip. Severe throat infection such as tonsillitis can also cause pain in the year.
Other less common factors that could cause an earache could be due to problems with the jaw bone, an impacted wisdom tooth, a dental abscess or eczema in the canal of the ear. Trigeminal neuralgia, which is a sudden, severe facial nerve pain resulting from buildup of pressure on the main nerve inside the skull, could also cause an earache.

Managing Earache at Home

There's no need to rush to the doctor at the first sign of an earache. There are certain things you can do at home to manage the pain first but if the pain does not subside, then you know that it's time to set up an appointment with your doctor.

Over the counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen are very effective at alleviating earaches. Remember that it is not advisable to give any medication that contains aspirin to kids below 16 years of age.

A warm compress placed against the ear for a few minutes also helps to relieve the pain caused by any type of ear infection. Never use any type of eardrops if the eardrum has burst as this could inflame the situation further.

Knowing When to Seek Professional Medical Help

You know it is time to call your doctor when you or your child has a high fever of 100.4ºF or more as this could be a sign of a serious infection. Pain in the ear along with severe headache, dizziness or swelling in or around the ear also calls for an immediate visit to your doctor.