Best Yeast Infection Home Remedies

Yeast infection is very common yet the funny thing is most people don't really know what to do once symptoms show. Knowing that it could be just a minor infection, they go ahead and buy OTC drugs on their own or take remedies that may not even be safe. The thing is, regardless of what type of infection, one should seek a doctor's advice and get a proper diagnosis. For instances that you might have the diagnosis already or if you have confirmed that is indeed the condition, which is yeast infection, then you may check some of the best yeast infection home remedies found on this article.


This home remedy is quite simple. You just have to prepare two or three cloves of garlic and make a paste out of it. You can make a paste by just pounding those cloves out. Then apply them to the affected area. If it is the vaginal area that is affected by candidiasis, then you go ahead and wipe it there. You can let it stay there as long as three hours or more. A bit of caution though, garlic does have a pungent smell so you might want to note that.


If you want a mild alternative to garlic yet avoiding the smell, you can go for honey. Honey is a natural anti-oxidant that also has antibacterial properties. Just apply the honey directly and it will serve as a good remedy. The feeling of putting honey could be a bit revolting for some. However, the thing is you can just place honey on the area and let it stay there for about an hour and freely wash it off. Make sure you pat yourself dry.

Stay Dry and Practice Good Hygiene

When you're at home or anywhere else, just try your best to stay dry. Wear dry clothing not to mention loose, cotton ones to let the air through and avoid you from getting soaked with sweat. Good hygiene really helps and yeast infection is highly associated with bad hygiene. So yes, gents and ladies, do something about it and try real hard.

Use natural soap

One thing you should avoid is using harsh soaps. Feminine wash especially those with added scents and other douches might cause harm by affecting the natural flora of microorganisms in various area of the body. See, microorganisms living in the body have their own way of sizing each other, when bacteria are lost or diminished due the use of harsh soap or cleanse, other microorganism has the chance to grow. This is where yeast infection comes in.

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Yogurt can be really useful for it helps restore acid-bacteria balance in where you want to. This is important. As mentioned earlier, you need a good balance of bacteria, pH and so on to avoid one type of microorganism from taking advantage. Applying 1 or 2 tablespoons on or into the area affected is fine. It can also be used as a douche by diluting with warm water are both effective.


Boric acid capsules as suppository are great inexpensive ways to keep those yeast microorganisms in control. Women can insert one on their vagina to cure the infection however, avoid this home remedy when you're pregnant.

OTC fungal creams

These fungal creams are not that expensive they can give you fast relief. Miconazole and Clotrimazole are good products to check. Of course, apply medication as directed, but if symptoms persist, don't hesitate to call the doctor.

Eat right

Some foods added to your diet can help you fight yeast infection. For example, drinking cranberry juice can restore pH in the body especially the vaginal secretion. Garlic can also be eaten to act as oral antifungal.

Basil tea for oral thrush

You can make your own basil tea with the use of warm water and added teaspoons of ground basil. Let it steep for 30 minutes and cool. You can use this as gargle for twice a day.

Practice safe sex

You can acquire the causative fungi from sexual contact from a partner having an infection. You can try using condoms as contraceptives to avoid contracting the disease. Don't just do this at when you're at home.  One should practice safe sex all the time.

Be wary of feminine products

Routine douching or use of harsh cleansing products can affect the pH and natural flora in the vaginal area. Try to minimize this.
