Remedies for CURE Vaginal Yeast Infection

For immediate effects that can be astounding, the right choice and safe usage of the appropriate home remedy can be beneficial for the greater part of all sufferers. There are indeed home remedies that will alleviate most of the symptoms linked to vaginal yeast infections when identified and applied as indicated. But how far do effective home remedies for yeast infection of the vagina go? The answer is that no home remedy will by itself permanently resolve yeast infection, even though it can greatly help. This is because whether the infection is of the vagina or other parts, yeast infection is a complex case where multiple elements are involved.

Candida is the tiny fungus that is to be found naturally in the human person. It mostly confines itself to warm, dark places including the oral cavity, the genital areas and the intestinal tract, where it nourishes itself with proteins and sugars.

Vaginal Candida infection :
Vaginal candidiasis or vaginal Candida infection to give yeast infection of the vagina its other name is the product of the out of bounds multiplication of Candida species. Normally and in small quantities, Candida is innocuous, its population size being limited by friendly "guard" bacteria that also live in similar parts of the body to operate part of the defense system, assisting digestion, while also keeping away infections by parasites, viruses and bacteria.

How it works?
Candida can also penetrate the bloodstream and in turn provoke the all too well known candidiasis symptoms. When Candida is transported like this by the blood circulation to different parts of the body, the symptoms then become systemic, and not only local. There are several conditions contributing to Candida overgrowth, including lengthy use of antibiotics, substandard food habits, stress at an emotional or mental level, and pregnancy.

Characteristic signs:
This very uncomfortable condition can, if neglected, become yet more painful and serious with the passage of time, the negative effect extending to a wide range of body areas. Characteristic signs include discharge with odor from the vagina, pain in the vulva, vaginal itching and diverse levels of burning, rawness, redness and stinging. The most commonly encountered local subtype of yeast infection is that of vaginal Candida. Up to 7 or 8 of every 10 women will have to endure this once or more in their lifetime.

                                                              Home treatment 
Home treatment can be successfully applied for the greater part of all vaginal infection cases. By taking the right decision and following natural methods, tens of effective home remedies can help candidiasis victims. The three examples that follow are for remedies for yeast infection that can be simply applied at home and in safety:

Eating garlic:
Eating garlic on a daily basis together with the external application of garlic (insert chopped garlic into a cheesecloth and put this into the vagina for about 120 minutes). The characteristics of garlic make it an effective probiotic, antiseptic agent, acting against bacteria and fungi, which brings Candida back down to limited numbers and assists beneficial bacteria in getting back into action.
Eating and applying externally on a daily basis plain, sheep or goat's milk yogurt, which should be sugar free, unheated and organic preferably (the application is done by spraying into the vagina for at least 60 minutes).

When there is excessive acidity in the bloodstream, and the genital and intestinal parts, this encourages Candida multiplication. This acidity often derives from long-term medication use, mental complications and/or bad diet habits.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar:
However, organic apple cider vinegar has the alkalizing feature that allows it to bound Candida's activity and also its multiplication. Unlike most other vinegar types, organic apple cider vinegar helps to decrease the degree of acidity in the body and restore it to the right level in balance with the alkalis. For this, make a solution of organic apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons per a quart of clean water) to apply as a douche to the vagina, or (half a cup of this vinegar for each bath) for taking a bath.