Natural remedy for diabetes

What causes type 2 diabetes?

The pancreas discharges insulin to help the body stock up and utilize sugar from the food that you consume. This mechanism takes place only in a healthy body.  One suffers from the diabetes when,

The pancreas does not release any insulin.
The pancreas releases very little hormone insulin.
The body stops responding to the hormone insulin, a condition known as "insulin resistance".
Individuals with type 2 diabetes do generate insulin. However, the amount of insulin their pancreas releases is not enough or their body fails to recognize it. Therefore, the body cannot use the insulin as it must be utilized. This results in the insulin to build up in the blood stream instead of getting into the cells. It affects various parts of the body. On the other hand, since the cells do not get the glucose, they fail to function properly.

The human body is made of innumerable cells. These cells need energy to perform daily activities. They can only use the simple form of food to make energy. When you consume foods or liquids, these are broken into a simple sugar known as ‘glucose'. After this, the glucose is transferred to the cells through the blood stream which is used as a source of energy.
Natural remedy for diabetes
Diabetes treatment can be regulated with the help of natural remedies. Among so many natural elements, cinnamon is considered to control the glucose level in the human body.

There are two kinds of cinnamon- Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon. Americans use the cassia cinnamon for baking and cooking. However, the research has shown that cinnamon may lower glucose levels by reducing insulin resistance. Not only that, it is quite effective in lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

It is safe to consume cinnamon. But, individuals with liver problems should not consume this spice. Remember, cinnamon supplements are referred to as a food, not as a drug. If you are thinking to purchase the best cinnamon supplement, you need to opt for a brand that comes with a quality seal. Check if the product has a US Pharmacopeia, the NSF International or Consumerlab seal. This assures you are taking the effective ingredients of the cinnamon.