Vegetarian Diet for Steady & Better Health


Health is a major concern for most people but we only take it seriously when we know someone who is a victim of an unhealthy lifestyle or are affected by health disorders.
India is the hot seat for two major lifestyle disorders diabetes and heart health.


Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder and usually the main reason of people becoming diabetic is due to sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and physical activity and eating excess junk and unhealthy foods which affects the pancreatic functions.

Numerous studies on health have quoted that the cure for type 2 diabetes is removing the very cause of the disease which is an unhealthy lifestyle can reverse the disease.

 The chief cause of diabetes type 2 is excess weight from unhealthy diet and inactivity.

Chronic diseases :

Chronic diseases not only inflict pain and cause health deterioration but their diagnosis is costly, time consuming and doesn't provide full recovery at times. Also the stress and burden it adds to your life is less anticipated than the reality.

Eating plant based vegetarian food products and eliminating meat, especially red meat, from the diet can considerably reduce the risk for chronic diseases like obesity, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

According to new dietary guidelines emphasizing vegetarian diet plan that is nutrient-rich plant foods can enable modern populations to dramatically improve their health, dramatically reduce healthcare costs, while at the same time save millions of needless deaths from heart disease, strokes, cancer and diabetes.

Best weight loss plan:

Best weight loss plan promote consumption of green seasonal vegetables and fruits for healthier weight loss.

Digging for reasons whether meat products which are considered to be a good source of protein could lead to chronic diseases. Also diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are pre-cursory to heart diseases and health. Meats are high in saturated fat which increases the bad cholesterol and decreases good cholesterol from the body. Consuming excess amounts of these products regularly can lead to accumulation of saturated fat on your visceral and body which increases your cholesterol levels in the body leading to chronic diseases.

Blood pressure :

Sodium in meats is high which increases the blood pressure which acts with high cholesterol further decreases the heart health. Overall if you see as the cholesterol and blood pressure keep rising to the danger zones it also affects the metabolism of the body. This slow down in the metabolic rate further aggravates the problem where calories that are not consumed get stored as fat in the body resulting in weight gain and other problems related to it.

Thinking practically one should avoid foods that are not healthy for the body. Switch to more vegetarian diet plan especially if you are looking to lose weight, which has plants food sources which are natural, healthy and keep you in good shape.

Low calories:

 Also many plant food sources are low in calories and fat free this helps avoid consuming any useless and saturated fat in the body.
via Fithowellness